혼자라도 오늘처럼 쿠키로 점심을 때우는 일은 흔치 않다. 하루 대부분 느끼는 외로움을 음식으로라도 충족시키듯...
(오늘은 배도 좀 나오고, 어제 산 바지도 집에 와서 입어보니 좀 안 맞고, 영수증 정리를 한 후 격심한 양심의 가책을 느끼기 시작한 unfortunate 한 날.)

The Petrossian New York Boutique
911 Seventh Ave., New York, NY

Petrossian signature cobb salad 는 훈제연어, 아보카도, goat cheese, 삶은 계란 등으로 이루어짐. 아주아주 맛있게 싹싹 긁어 먹었다. (먹다보니 몇 안 되는 테이블에 거의 모든 손님이 기본으로 이 샐러드를 시켜 먹는 듯 했다.)
혼자 먹다 보면 눈은 내 앞의 음식에나 주변의 사람들을 두루두루 훑어 봐도 귀는 바로 옆 테이블에 기울이고 있게 마련... (일부러 그런 건 아니지만, 밥을 먹는 동시에 책을 읽고 있지 않는 한, 옆 테이블의 대화를 안 듣는 건 노력해도 무리다.) 옆 테이블 여자 둘다 같은 샐러드를 시키면서 전형적인 뉴요커처럼 뭐는 빼 주고 뭐는 따로 옆에 주고.. 지시사항이 많아서도 흥미로웠지만, 계속 듣다보니 그 중 1명은 요즘 트렌디한 비싼 요가복 디자이너 중 1명인지 Stella McCartney, Lululemon 등의 name dropping 이 재미있었다. 자신도 디자이너이지만 요즘 요가복의 말도 안될만한 가격에 반은 경악, 반은 자랑스레 얘기했다.

La Boulangerie
109-01 72nd Rd., Queens, NY

첫 주말엔 원래 계획이었던 뉴욕 업스테이트에를 올라가는 대신, 언니 아파트 근처에서 고요한 하루를 보냈다. 언니가 부탁한 바게뜨도 사 올 겸, 새로운 브런치 집도 시식할 겸, cuban sandwich 를 주문했다. 사람들도 친절하고, 샌드위치 맛도 괜찮았지만, 바게뜨는 추운 날 하루종일 가방에 끼고 돌아다녀서인지 다음날 아침엔 이미 딱딱하게 굳어 그리 즐기지는 못함.

Dos Toros Taqueria
137 4th Avenue, New York, NY

주중 작업할 일이 없었던 하루는 머리를 자르기 전 들뜬 마음으로 Union Square 의 타코, 버리또 집을 찾았다. 이날따라 기분이 그랬는지, 맛이 없지도 않았지만, 특별히 맛이 있지도 않았던 버리또였다. 하지만 내가 앉아 있었던 1시15분부터 2시15분까지 사람들이 끊기지 않게 들락날락하는 유명한 타코집이었다.

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

Soho. Day out.  (4) 2012.03.09
Moma in Feb 2012  (8) 2012.03.07
Cafes in NY  (4) 2012.03.07
해방.  (0) 2012.03.06
멕시칸: El Zocalo Tortas and Bakery  (8) 2012.02.20

2012년 새해계획을 따라 일주일에 한두번 정도 하는 외식, 한번 갔던 음식점으로는 다시 가지 않고 있다. 그러다보니 허구한날 음식점 검색만 하는 것 같다.

검색시 주요 고려사항:
1. 복잡하지 않은 길
2. 수월한 주차
3. 안전한 동네

이번에 간 곳은 Tortas 전문점. 멕시칸식 샌드위치란다: El Zocalo Tortas and Bakery. (701 S 38th St., Tacoma, WA 98418)

가능하면 스트릿 파킹은 피하는 편이나, 비가 억수같이 쏟아졌던 이 날은 길도 텅텅 비었었다. (오예)
다만, 동네가 그리 깨끗한 편은 아니었고 (주룩주룩 내리는 비에, 흐린 기후 때문인지도...) 차에서 음식점까지 걸어가는 동안 맞은편 걸어오는 어느 아저씨/할아버지에게서 "perfectly fitting jeans" 에 대한 칭찬을 들은 게 괜히 찝찝.
그냥 청바지였다. 또한 딱 맞는 청바지도 아니었음. 남의 하체에 관심은 삼가해 주세요.

처음 먹어보는 tortas: 양념 돼지고기에 아보카도, 치즈, 콩, 살사 등 찐득찐득하니 맛있었음. 15cm 정도 되는 너비의 샌드위치라 반은 자리에서 먹고 남은 반은 take out. 옆에 딸린 베이커리에서 페이스트리 하나도 take out.
* 음식점 특이사항: 손님들 중 영어를 하는 사람들은 아무도 없었고 심지어는 텔레비전도 멕시칸 고유 프로그램. 샌드위치 속이 온데군데 안 흐르는 데에 온 신경을 다 쓰면서 먹는 데에만 집중.. ^^;;

Cream filling 에 버터맛이 많이 나는 pastry 빵도 매우 맛있었음. :))

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

Cafes in NY  (4) 2012.03.07
해방.  (0) 2012.03.06
On Valentine's Day  (14) 2012.02.13
[타운구경] Black Diamond, Washington  (14) 2012.02.07
Old Town 산책  (4) 2012.02.05

부모님 방문의 흔적, 남은 콩 캔, 을 어떻게 처리할 수 있을까 --> 지난 번 블랙빈 케사디아 레시피 에서 아이디어를 얻어 나도 한캔 한꺼번에 처리.

콩을 씻은 후 마늘과 양파와 볶고,

토마토는 할라페뇨와 함께 볶고,

남은 피타 브레드를 반으로 갈라 tortillas 빵을 대신했다.


'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

레몬에 절인 생선 (가자미)  (2) 2012.02.03
로즈마리 소세지 오븐 파스타  (6) 2012.02.02
간장닭조림덮밥  (4) 2012.01.29
레몬 로즈마리 엑기스 만들기  (6) 2012.01.28
오랜만에 피타 (pita) 샌드위치  (12) 2012.01.27

Mezcaleria Oaxaca
2123 Queen Anne Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109

You could call mezcal the new tequila, except it's not tequila, and it's not new (not to mention that if you did, you'd be one of those people who calls this the new that). While tequila is a kind of mezcal, the opposite is not true, and people in Oaxaca have been making it approximately forever. The bar at Queen Anne's Mezcaleria Oaxaca—the new sibling to Ballard's very-much-loved La Carta de Oaxaca—has every mezcal available in Washington State. Mezcal is probably a bit of an acquired taste, though if you always wanted your tequila to have both its own head-rush high note of alcoholic strength and a woody, smoky element like certain Scotch, you're going to love it. Good mezcal, like good Scotch, is eminently sippable; if you want to do shots of either, well, it's your life.

The bartender at Mezcaleria Oaxaca will also make you a mezcalerita ($9), a margarita made with mezcal (which is really best alone; this tastes like a margarita with a dash of Liquid Smoke). He is very busy shaking these and the house margaritas (a pint glass of Sauza Silver, lots of lime, not too much triple sec, $8) in the glow of the bar, which is right where you walk in, all warm and welcoming. (He will not make you anything blended. They do not have a blender.) There is so much stuff on the walls—millions of gorgeous photos of Oaxaca by local photographer Spike Mafford (the cowboy is exceptionally wonderful), mirrors, machetes, glass-front cabinets, metal funnels, an ex-voto painting (sadly, too high to read). Up above, there's an intimidatingly large taxidermied turkey. It's busy and bright, and music with lots of horns plays; the second you step inside, you're automatically having a good night.

If you've been to La Carta, you're not going to be surprised by how good the food is here, except maybe the goat. The barbacoa de cabrito ($13) is marinated in chili-magic, then roasted slowly in a shiny metal roaster in the corner of the back room. (You'll find the pico de gallo and two more salsas in the opposite corner; it's festive to sit back there, though it's lit more like you're operating on your food than eating it.) Over two dinners at Mezcaleria Oaxaca, the goat was the only thing I wished was bigger in portion—not that it's small, but you just want the entire goat. It's smoky but not too smoky, spicy but not too hot, with the right amount of orange grease; it pulls apart in tender, salty strands, with gold mines of melty fat here and there. Put some in a fresh tortilla (you can see the lady making them at the end of the open-kitchen counter, just beyond the bar) with a little onion and a squeeze of lime, and you have one of the world's best tacos in your hand.

The goat also comes with buttery crumbles of corn masa instead of rice, topped with a very hot sauce—for this excellent substitution, you may thank Gloria Perez, the head chef of both Mezcaleria Oaxaca and La Carta de Oaxaca. You might see her in the kitchen, slowly filling tortillas with ground pork with raisins, rolling them up to be fried and become dorados—her gravity is as reassuring as anything has ever been. Her son Roberto Dominguez runs both restaurants; his brother Jesus works at them, too.

But let's back up to when you are first seated. Your server (brusque but kind, possibly wearing a T-shirt that says "Casually moral" in cursive) will say "Chips and guacamole" ($5) in a way that's not really a question, because there is only one answer. The chips are of the shattering-thin, warm-and-salted variety; the guacamole is not too limey, not too chunky, nothing fancy, just right. Everybody ignores the option of refried beans as dip, but get those, too—it's worth the three bucks, for they are perfect.

Sometimes drinks take a little while, but meanwhile, it's bustlingly clear that things are happening. Mezcaleria Oaxaca is, in essence, an especially lovely, especially delicious Mexican diner. The best seats are (1) the ones along the kitchen counter, where you can watch flames bursting out of pans and pineapple dripping down onto a spit of meat (why didn't you order that?!), or (2) the tiny two-tops across the aisle, romantic in the way your own little island in a storm of busyness can be. (One of these has a lit-up curio cabinet with silver charms and crucifixes and a spoon that says "MEXICAN BORDER 1916," with stars and a sentry; this was right around when US tourism started, as American drug prohibition sent people across the border in search of their fancy. Nearby, there's the world's loneliest backlit photo of an abandoned airplane.)

If you've been to La Carta, you know that the food is much, much fresher and subtler than your average family Mexican spot. Instead of a congealing lake of goo, there's a sprinkling of crumbly Oaxaqueño cheese; instead of a blob of sour cream, there's a touch of crema Mexicana. The usually inundated, pedestrian dishes, like enchiladas, are different creatures under Perez's care. The waiter says the enchiladas verdes con pollo ($10) are his favorite menu item, and the green tomatillo sauce is bright and sparing and tart and hot, while the chicken inside is identifiably, flavorfully chicken, not just shreds of protein. Moreover, the corn tortillas taste like corn, which, in context, is kind of amazing. The sides are not afterthoughts. The rice is pale yellow and chickeny-savory; the pinto beans are quietly spiced and probably full of lard, plain and great.

Even the gigantic bowl of spicy-hot seafood soup ($13) isn't heavy, though if you eat the whole thing, you'll be sloshing home. It's a rich orange-red, and it tastes pristine instead of fishy; the broth is rife with specks of red chili, and very tiny mirrors of grease are scattered across the surface. It comes with a crab cracker for the leg of crab you'll find submerged in there along with un-overcooked shrimp and skin-on, spinal cross-sections of an unspecified white fish that falls off its bone like softened butter. The spice level is at the upper edge of what a normal person can enjoy—it wakes you up without making you cry.

In less spectacular but still very good eating, a bistec en salsa de tomate($11) is a much-improved version of the thin-sliced beefsteak you've probably ordered elsewhere, notably not tough. And a tamale with Oaxaqueño mole ($8) is made with soft and fresh masa, with the mole on the sweeter/less nutty side, and it is enormous—too much for one person, unless you really, really love a mole enchilada, but nice to share.

Look up when you're walking around inside Mezcaleria Oaxaca—if you don't, you might miss a hidden shrine or, where you're expecting a skylight, a secret golden photograph. And at the bar, don't overlook the sotol—"a pleasant, earthy cousin of tequila and mezcal," the menu says. It comes in a little footed goblet with a chili-dipped lime; the añejo ($8) is smooth and vegetal. If mezcal's not your thing, this may be more like it.

facebook, thestranger)

JFK 공항에서 택시를 타는 대신 셔틀버스를 타고 30불을 아꼈다. 그리고 체크인 후 바로 타임스퀘어로 걸어내려갔다.
역시 New York, New York.

워싱턴 집동네에서 한달간 본 사람 수를 다 더해도 이보단 적다.

역시 diverse...

첫 뉴욕 여행인 K는 바로 뉴욕을 살고 싶은 도시 Top 3 순위로 올림.

그리고 드디어 배를 채웠다.

꽉꽉 채우고 뉴욕을 마저 구경.

원래 의도했던 (그리고 K가 기대했던) 저녁식사는 멕시칸 버리또였다. 하지만 이틀 전 푸드네트워크에서 본 로스트비프 만드는 게 보여지는 것만큼 쉬운지 꼭 해 보고 싶었다. 그래서 두개를 혼합.

정육센터에서 roast beef 에 알맞은 고기를 골라주고 (beef round) 그 고기 덩어리 전체를 충분한 버터로 문지른 후 충분한 소금과 후추로 버무린 뒤 500F 오븐에서 25분 굽기.

사이드로 아보카도를 약간의 올리브오일과, 라임즙, 소금, 실란트로로 버무리고, 토마토/빨간 벨페퍼/매운고추/소금/후추약간/바질/실란트로를 볶아 살사를 만들고 (매운 고추 맛으로 먹었으나, 다음엔 다른 방법의 차가운 토마토 살사 레시피를 찾아 보는 것이 좋을 듯 싶다) 양파와 벨페퍼는 소금/후추/올리브오일로 볶고, 사워크림 대신 greek yogurt 플레인맛을 소금 약간과 섞어 내 놨다.

하지만 K의 눈은 분홍색깔의 고기덩어리에만 꽂혀 표정이 굳어지기 시작하더니 식사를 하는 내내 말이 없다.

(burrito rice 라고 시도한 chicken stock 에서 삶은 brown rice. 무슨 방법을 써도 저 브라운 라이스는 제대로 익을 생각을 않는다.)

매우 조용한 식사였지만, 난 맛있기만 했다.
(아쉬운 점이 있다면 저 살사. 차라리 차가운 토마토 살사를 할 걸, 괜히 새로운 시도를 해 봤구나 싶었다.)

Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream

(adapted from Heart of the Artichoke by David Tanis)

8 oz Mexican chocolate (equals 2 discs of Mexican chocolate + about 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips)*
1 teaspoon organic ground cinnamon
1/2 cup organic sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups whole milk (3.25% homogenized)

Chop the Mexican chocolate as finely as you can and dump it into a medium saucepan, along with the cinnamon, sugar and salt. Pour in the milk and warm until everything is well dissolved, whisking occasionally. Strain the liquid to remove any solids and let the chocolate mixture cool. Place in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

Churn the mixture in your ice cream maker for about 20-25 minutes and then transfer to a lidded container to freeze.

멕시칸 초콜렛이 무언인지 배우게 되는 그 순간 언젠가 꼭 만들어 볼테다...

(Source: poppytalk)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

팬로스트치킨, 매콤한 케일과 호박  (0) 2011.09.16
Salsa Verde, 와사비 살사와 호박 피클.  (2) 2011.09.14
상그리아  (2) 2011.05.08
French onion soup  (0) 2011.04.20
Broth and baked spinach  (0) 2011.04.06

Baja Style Shrimp Tacos

A southern California classic, grilled shrimp tacos couldn’t be quicker to prepare—and they happen to be very healthy at that. The combination of fresh lime juice and Cholula hot sauce is pretty much unparalleled.

TIME: 10 minutes

  • 2 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • the juice of one lime
  • 1 teaspoon coarse salt
  • 1 dozen corn tortillas
  • pico de gallo (see recipe below)
  • lime wedges for serving
  • Cholula hot sauce (or your favorite hot sauce)
  • crumbled cotija or feta cheese (optional)

Preheat your grill over high heat. Toss the shrimp together with the olive oil, lime juice and salt. Grill until cooked through, about 2 minutes a side.

To serve, heat the tortillas in a dry frying pan and wrap them in a tea towel to keep warm. Pile a few shrimp on top of each tortilla and serve with a bit of pico de gallo, fresh lime juice, a few dashes of hot sauce and a little of the crumbled cheese if you’d like.

Pico de Gallo

Simple to prepare and about a thousand times fresher and more vibrant than any jar of salsa, fresh pico de gallo is worth making from scratch.

TIME: 10 minutes

  • 1 pint grape tomatoes, quartered
  • 2 tablespoons roughly chopped cilantro leaves
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped white onion
  • coarse salt
  • squeeze of lime
  • as many finely chopped red jalapeños as you’d like (optional)

Combine the tomatoes, cilantro and onion together in a bowl. Season to taste with salt and lime. Reserve some of this mixture for the kids, and then add as much jalapeño as you like to the remaining mixture for the adults.

Black Beans

By adding a few aromatics to a can of black beans, you get that Mexican restaurant flavor without hours of soaking and cooking.

SERVES: 4 as a side dish
TIME: 20 minutes

  • 1 can of black beans
  • 4 cilantro stems
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • pinch of salt

Combine everything together in a small pot and simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes (I do this while I’m preparing the rest of the meal). Be sure to simmer the beans long enough so that they’re not watery.

이 동영상을 보는 중 가장 감명스러웠던 장면은 바로 기네스 펠트로가 아보카도를 써는 장면. 그렇게 쉬운 방법이 있긴 있었다. 난 몰랐다.

(Source: goop)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

Spaghetti Tacos (스파게티 타코)  (0) 2010.10.08
Creamy Cucumber Salad (크리미 오이 샐러드)  (0) 2010.08.19
White House Fruit and Oat Bars  (0) 2010.08.19
Roasted garlics (마늘구이)  (1) 2010.08.10
시금치 딥 (Creamed spinach)  (0) 2010.08.04

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