내년 새해계획 중 청소를 더 부지런히 하는 것도 포함되어 있기에 diy 세척제나 집에 항상 가지고 있는 재료를 활용한 청소법과 관련한 포스팅을 보면 꼭 스크랩을 하게 된다. 그러다가 몇 주 후 거들떠 보지도 않은 채 삭제... 이젠 블로그에라도 부지런히 올려놔 한자리에서 쉽게 검색할 수 있도록 해야겠다, 원. 

오늘은 전자렌지 활용법:

1. 화분용 흙 소독: 흙을 플라스틱 통에 얇게 펴 담아 킬로당 90초씩 전자렌지에 돌린다. 

2. 수세미나 스펀지 소독: 물에 적셔 10-15초 전자렌지에 돌린다. 

(여기서 주의할 점) 철수세미는 돌리지 말 것: 대학 2학년 때 주말 파티 뒷정리를 한 후 사용했던 철 수세미를 소독한답시고 돌렸다 전자렌지 속에서 불나고 캠퍼스 소방서까지 출동했던 잊지 못할 사건이 있었음.

3. DIY 핫패드: 양말 속에 쌀을 채워 넣어 꿰맨 후 전자렌지에 돌리면 여러 번 사용할 수 있는 핸드메이드 핫패드 완성. 여기에 에센셜  (라벤더) 오일을 몇방울 떨어 뜨려도 좋음.

4. 굳은 빵 부드럽게 먹기: 좀 굳은 빵을 살짝 적신 키친타월로 싸서 전자렌지에 20초 돌리면 촉촉하게 먹을 수 있댄다.

5. 마늘 껍질 벗기기: 마늘덩어리째 전자렌지에 15초 돌린 후에 수월하게 까기.

6. 레몬, 오렌지 즙 짜기: 즙을 짜기 전 과일 통째로 전자렌지에 10-15초 돌리면 즙을 더욱 쉽게 많이 짜낼 수 있댄다.

(Source: housebeautiful)

Vinegar. Vinegar’s place on this list will come as a surprise to no one; it can help you clean in almost every room of your house. (Don't worry, the smell dissipates.) Vinegar is acetic, which helps cut through dirt while killing mold, bacteria, and viruses. You might already know that a solution with equal parts white (also called distilled) vinegar and water can help you clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces -- just remember to keep it away from marble and other porous stone surfaces -- but it can do so much more.

Don’t want your dinner guests to know you spent $4 on that bottle of wine? Remove the price tag (and other papery stickers) by sponging on vinegar, letting it sit for a few minutes and then scraping off the sticker. And stop averting your eyes from the crumb-catching crack between your oven and counter. Grab a thin, blunt instrument (like a butter knife), wrap it once in a vinegar-soaked cloth, and slowly drag the knife toward you in the crack. 

Baking soda. Vinegar’s partner in crime, baking soda cuts odors and can be used as a gently abrasive cleaner. The combination of the vinegar and baking soda can help keep drains clear and de-skunk dogs (Really. We tested this one twice just to be thorough.). Give your oven a good cleaning by wetting down the inside surfaces with water with a sponge or a spray bottle, and then sprinkle baking soda all over -- or make a thick paste of the two and cover the surfaces. Let the baking soda do its work for a few hours (or overnight) and then wipe clean. Remove marks (like a crayon masterpiece) from painted walls with baking soda on a damp sponge. Water and baking soda can also be used to remove stains on fabric, or to gently clean surfaces.

9 Pantry Items that Double as Cleaning Tools, from Food52

Salt. Salt can be used to spot-clean a stained wooden cutting board; make a thick paste with salt, water, and baking soda, and scrub away your stains. When a dish boils over in the oven, cover the spill with salt while it’s still wet, it will make it easier to clean up later -- after the oven cools down of course. Don’t worry if your guests ignored the stack of coasters you set out; make a thin paste of salt and vegetable oil and rub it on the white rings their beverages left on your wooden tables. Salt can also help you clean your cast iron pans by gently scrubbing away stubborn bits of food from without removing your seasoning.

Lemon. Lemon’s mildly acidic nature will help you you make quick work of grease and grime, with an all-natural fresh scent to boot. Just add water to lemon juice to remove grease on your stove and appliances. Lemon juice can clean up brass -- just double-check that the item is brass, and not brass-plated! Amanda gets serious about washing dishes -- take it to the next level and add a little lemon juice to your dish soap when you’re filling the sink with hot, soapy water. Combining lemon juice with with kosher salt and mineral oil can help you deep-clean a wooden cutting board, and after you’re done cooking (or cleaning) with a lemon, don’t forget to put it through your garbage disposal to get rid of any lingering odors.

9 Pantry Items that Double as Cleaners, from Food52

Rice. Uncooked white rice can help you clean out vases or thin-necked bottles. Partially fill them with warm water and a handful of rice and shake vigorously -- cover the top of the vase with your hand please. If your vase has a stubborn white film in it, fill the vase with white vinegar (enough to cover the residue), let it sit for a bit, and then add the rice and shake. Add a handful of uncooked rice to your blade coffee grinder and whizz it up to remove oily residue. (Don’t use this method on a burr grinder, and you do this often, stick with uncooked instant rice.)

Club soda. It isn’t just for your favorite 3-ingredient drink -- it’s also great for when you spill it. Club soda works to remove stains from fabrics and carpets if you act quickly. Pour or dab it on liberally, then blot and gently rub the spot away. Streaks on stainless steel will disappear after being buffed with a club soda-soaked cloth, and porcelain sinks and fixtures can be cleaned with club soda too. Give the inside of your refrigerator a good wipe down with a mixture of salt and soda water and then re-organize it.

(Source: food52)

지난 번에 만들었던 레몬 로즈마리 엑기스 를 맛볼 기회가 생겼다.
냉동 가자미를 해동한 후 레몬엑기스에 2시간 정도만 절여 놓고 후라이팬에 구움.

엑기스에 소금이 충분히 들어가서 그런지 별다른 추가 양념 없이도 맛있게 먹을 수 있었음.
(레몬은 meyer 레몬이라 아주 시지만은 않고 약간 달짝한 맛도 있지만, 그렇다고 씹어 먹을 정도는 아니었고, 엑기스에 들어갔던 로즈마리는 생선과 굽힌 후에도 바삭바삭하게 맛있었다.)

그리고 다 먹고 병을 재활용하려고 산 피클도 하루빨리 먹어치우려 노력.

'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

홈메이드 로스트 넛츠  (10) 2012.02.09
하루종일 간식: 떡볶이, 체리, 오징어, 딸기  (14) 2012.02.05
로즈마리 소세지 오븐 파스타  (6) 2012.02.02
홈메이드 케사디아  (0) 2012.01.31
간장닭조림덮밥  (4) 2012.01.29

블로그 서핑을 하다 쉽게 만들고 자주 사용할 것 같은 양념을 찾았다.

레몬 2개
red pepper flakes
로즈마리 몇 줄기
레몬 2개를 짠 즙

1. 레몬을 끓는 소금물에 3-4분 정도 넣어 끓인 후 찬물에서 식혔다.
2. 레몬 2개를 내가 원하는 모양으로 썰어 로즈마리, 소금, red pepper flakes 와 섞은 후 남은 2개의 즙을 짜 넣어 더 섞음.
3. 3일 재운 후부터, 생선, 육류 양념에 사용할 수 있다고 한다.

오리지널 블로그에는 4개 레몬을 썰어 넣은 후 1컵 레몬즙을 요구하나, 난 레몬즙이 별도로 없어서 그냥 대강...

맛있기를 바라며.
(적어도 보기에는 예쁘다.)

'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

홈메이드 케사디아  (0) 2012.01.31
간장닭조림덮밥  (4) 2012.01.29
오랜만에 피타 (pita) 샌드위치  (12) 2012.01.27
Steak at home + 시금치  (6) 2012.01.26
케일, 토마토 파스타  (4) 2012.01.25

Lemon basil dip

1/4 fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup mayo

1. In a blender or food processor, combine all ingredients except mayo. Process until smooth.
2. In a medium bowl, whip mayo until creamy.
3. Stir in herb mixture.
4. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Hot sweet onion dip

1 (4 ounce) package of cream cheese (softened)
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup parmigiano reggiano (grated)
1/2 cup sweet onion (chopped)
pepper to taste

1. Mix everything and place it in a baking dish.
2. Bake in a preheated 350F oven until the top is nice and browned, about 30-50 minutes.

(Sources: kitchenklique, closetcooking)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

French onion soup  (0) 2011.04.20
Broth and baked spinach  (0) 2011.04.06
Olive salad, Salsa, The green drink, and Ham and egg crepe  (0) 2011.02.22
Swan Juice on the holidays  (0) 2010.12.28
crunchy garlic chicken  (0) 2010.11.19

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