냉동실에 아몬드 큰 한팩이 몇개월 전부터 그대로 있어 요즘 매일 아침 스무디에 한 스쿱씩 넣어 먹는 것 외에도 활용법이 절실하다. 그래서 찾게 된 아몬드 우유 레시피!!!! 


- 1C 생아몬드

- 1/2t 바닐라액

- 1/4t 계피가루 

- 소금 한꼬집

- 2-4 Medjool 대추살

1. 생아몬드를 물에 12시간 이상 불린다.

2. 불은 아몬드를 건져내 물을 빼고 따뜻한 물 4C 과 함께 간다 (2분 정도). 

(Source: lifehacker)

오늘부터 슬슬 냉동실 정리도 시작해야 할테고, 정해진 daily routine/스케줄이 있는 얼마 남지 않은 기간동안 건강도 빡세게 챙겨야 한다는 긴장감 때문인지 예전에는 그냥 지나쳤을 건강 스무디 레시피들을 한번씩 더 읽어 보게 된다. 

이 중 허브차를 식혀 스무디에 넣어 먹는다는 게 가장 인상적. 집에 있는 티백을 이렇게 처리할 수 있겠군! 

그린 스무디를 만드는데 있어서의 기본 요소들: 

1. 1C 베이스 음료: 아몬드 우유, 허브차, 물, 생과일 주스, 코코넛워터 등

2. 1.5C 녹색채소: 시금치, 파슬리, 케일, chard 등

3. 0.5-1C 생과일 또는 냉동과일: 

- 비타민 K, 칼륨: 자두, 살구, 사과, 복숭아, 체리 등

- 식이섬유: 라즈베리, 아보카도, 배, 사과, 바나나 등

- 면역력, 항산화 기능: 오렌지, 딸기, 블루베리, 자몽 등

- 오메가 3: 라즈베리, 크랜베리, 블랙베리, 메론, cantalope, 아보카도 등

4. 그 외 옵션 추가재료:

- 단백질: 넛버터, 생아몬드, 호박씨 등

- 디톡스 (1t): 강황, 계피, 생강, 바질, 민트 등

- 식이섬유 (2T): 치아 chia 씨, 대추

- 오메가 3 (2T): 생 월넛, 아마씨/오일 (난 flax seed meal 을 활용할 계획) 

5. 단맛 (0.5t): 바닐라액기스, 바나나, 아가베시럽, 생꿀

3가지 재료 스무디 레시피

1. 귤 2개, 1/2C 냉동 파인애플, 냉동 바나나 1 + 뻬이스 음료

2. 1-2T 피넛버터 1C 냉동 딸기, 바나나 1 + 베이스 음료

3. 당근 1, 1C 냉동 망고, 1-2T 코코넛 shredded + 베이스 음료

4. 2C 냉동 파인애플, 라임 (껍질 까서), 생강 1cm + 베이스 음료

5. 1C 케일, 1C 체리, 1/2C 블루베리 + 베이스 음료

6. 1C 망고, 1C 냉동 체리, 1/2C 플레인 요거트 + 베이스 음료

7. 1 1/2C 냉동 라즈베리, 바나나 1, 1T chia 씨 + 베이스 음료

8. 1 1/2C 파인애플, 1/2C 크랜베리, 1C 시금치 + 베이스 음료

9. 바나나 1, 1C 블루베리, 1T 코코아 가루 + 베이스 음료

10. 1C 베리믹스, 1C 망고, 2T 코코넛 가루 + 베이스 음료

(Sources: hellonatural, hellonatural)

밀가루 없이 가능한 쿠키 레시피:


flourless peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chips cookies 3


1C peanut butter

1C brown sugar

1t baking soda

1C whole oats

1/2C chocolate chips

1 egg

1. Preheat oven to 350F.

2. In a large bowl gently stir together all ingredients.

3. Add golf balsize mounds to a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Flatten to one-inch circles using your hand.

4. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges turn golden brown. Pull the parchment papeoff the cookie sheet and onto a flat surface. Allow to cool.

(Source: domesticfits)


2 C flour

  • 3 t baking powder
  • 1 t baking soda
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/4 c granulated sugar, plus more for sprinkling
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 7 T unsalted butter, cut in to small cubes and kept cold
  • 1 C plain nonfat Greek yogurt, plus more for brushing (Symon recommends Dannon Oikos)
  • 1/4 C whole milk

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, and lemon zest in a bowl. Add butter and work into flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together yogurt and milk. Add to flour and butter mixture. Stir just until dough comes together, then knead, being sure not to over work it. Dough will be slightly sticky when finished.
4. Turn dough out on to a floured surface and press out to 3/4-inch thickness. Cut into rounds (use a circle cutter or a drinking glass), pressing straight down and not twisting. Lay biscuits onto a baking sheet. Brush tops with a little bit of yogurt, then sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until light golden brown.

(Source: shape)

6월말 정도에 시도해 볼 예정.







1 saucepan
1 large bowl
1 small bowl
1 tablespoon yogurt starter or plain yogurt
1 quart regular or 2% milk

Yield: 8 Servings (4 ounces each)


1. Warm up milk on medium-low until bubbles appear around the edge and steam rises from the surface.

2. Pour into large bowl to cool until temperature hits 110-115º on thermometer or if you don’t have one, do what the locals do: the temperature is correct when your index can stay in the warm milk for ten seconds.

3. Put starter in small bowl, add some of the heated milk and stir until well-blended. Pour small bowl mixture into large bowl a third at a time, making sure to stir and blend well before each addition. End with a final stir, making sure all is well-blended. Cover with a thick towel and keep in a warm place 4-6 hours until set.

4. Refrigerate for 8 hours before serving.


(Source: frenchwomendontgetfat)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies  (0) 2013.11.03
Greek yogurt biscuits (recipe)  (0) 2013.10.23
타이 아이스티 아이스크림  (2) 2012.02.06
홈메이드 버팔로윙 핫소스  (4) 2012.02.01
[recipe] 할라페뇨 소스  (0) 2012.01.26
언젠가 아이스크림을 만들어 볼 그 날을 위해...
(my favorite flavor)


3 cups half and half
1/2 cup Thai tea
6 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Sweetened condensed milk, for serving

1. In a large saucepan, bring half and half to a simmer. Stir in Thai tea, turn off heat, and steep for five minutes.
냄비에 Half and Half 를 은근히 끓인 후, Thai tea 를 저어 넣고, 불을 끈 후 5분간 둠.

2. In a bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar together until yolks pale in color and thicken. Slowly ladle about one cup dairy mixture into yolks, whisking constantly, then transfer yolks to saucepan, whisking well to combine.
다른 용기에 계란 노른자와 설탕을 섞어 노른자 색이 옅어지고 끈적끈적해질 때까지 젓는다. 위의 믹스쳐 1컵 정도를 노른자 용기에 천천히 부으면서 잘 저어 섞은 후, 그 노른자 믹스쳐를 위 냄비에 부어 잘 섞일 때까지 젓는다.

3. Turn heat on medium low and whisk frequently until a thin, syrupy custard forms. Add salt to taste. Custard should lightly coat back of a spoon and a swiped finger should leave a clean line. Do not cook custard until thick.
중불 위에서 자주 저어주면서 얇은 시럽 커스터드가 형성될 때까지 기다린다. 입맛에 따라 소금을 더한다. 커스터트는 스푼에 아주 얇게 묻을 정도여야 하며, 손가락으로 핥으면 깨끗하게 묻혀 나와 스푼엔 깨끗한 손가락 자국만. (... 해석이 좀 그렇네요... ㅋㅋ) 커스터드가 너무 두꺼워질 때까지 익히지 않는다.

4. Pour through a fine mesh strainer and chill overnight before churning according to manufacturer's instructions. Chill ice cream in freezer for at least three hours before serving, with a drizzle of condensed milk on top. Ice cream is best eaten the day it is made.
(3) 을 체에 걸러 하루밤 식히고, 아이스크림 메이커 사용법에 따라 믹스처를 churn. [젓다, 휘젓다] 적어도 먹기 전 3시간 동안 냉동실에서 식혀, 먹을 땐 연유를 위에 뿌려 먹는다. 만든 당일 먹는 것이 가장 맛이 좋음.

(Source: seriouseats)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

Greek yogurt biscuits (recipe)  (0) 2013.10.23
요거트 만드는 기계 없이 만드는 요거트 레시피  (2) 2012.05.30
홈메이드 버팔로윙 핫소스  (4) 2012.02.01
[recipe] 할라페뇨 소스  (0) 2012.01.26
[recipe] Pad Thai  (0) 2012.01.26

곧 다가오는 Super Bowl (2012년 2월 5일) 을 기념하여...


1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cayenne powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp canola oil

Yield: About 1/2 cup

1. Cook all ingredients over medium-high heat until just starting to bubble.
2. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
3. Store in an air tight bottle. Keep refrigerated.

(Source: domesticfits)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

요거트 만드는 기계 없이 만드는 요거트 레시피  (2) 2012.05.30
타이 아이스티 아이스크림  (2) 2012.02.06
[recipe] 할라페뇨 소스  (0) 2012.01.26
[recipe] Pad Thai  (0) 2012.01.26
[recipe] 블랙빈 퀘사디아  (0) 2012.01.15
스테이크 위에 얹어 먹을 수 있는 소스.

  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced (about 5 cups)
  • 2 fresh jalapeño peppers, thinly sliced (see Notes)
  • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

    1. Reduce heat to medium. Melt butter in empty skillet. Add onions, jalapeños, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, and sugar and season with salt and pepper. Cook, covered and stirring occasionally, until vegetables are soft and deep golden, 15 to 20 minutes.

    2. Stir in cream and any accumulated beef juices and cook just to heat through, about 2 minutes. Adjust seasoning and stir in vinegar.
  • (Source: seriouseats)

    Classic Pad Thai


    1/2 lb narrow dried rice noodles
    1 t sugar, (preferably palm sugar although light brown or granulated will work just fine)
    1 T tamarind pulp dissolved in 2 to 3 tablespoons warm water
    (or substitute 1 tablespoon rice vinegar plus 1 tablespoon water)
    1 T sauce
    1 T sauce
    3 large eggs
    pinch salt
    3 T peanut oil or mild vegetable oil
    2 to 3 clovesgarlic, minced
    2 to 3 oz firm tofu, cut into narrow strips about 1 1/2 inches long
    1/2 lb (a scant 4 cups) bean sprouts, rinsed and drained
    3 scallions, trimmed, smashed with the flat side of a knife and cut into 1 1/2 inch lengths
    1 T dried shrimp, (optional)
    1 T salted radish, (optional)
    1 C roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped
    2 to 4 T cilantro leaves, (optional)
    Chile-Vinegar Sauce
    , cut into small wedges

    1. Soak the rice noodles in very, very warm water for 20 minutes.

    2. Meanwhile, place the pork in a small bowl, add the sugar, and toss to coat.

    3. In a medium bowl, combine the tamarind water (or rice vinegar and water), soy sauce, and fish sauce.

    4. In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs and a pinch of salt. Place all three bowls near the stovetop.

    5. Place a large wok over high heat. Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of the oil to the pan. When the oil is hot but not smoking, add the garlic and stir-fry briefly just until it begins to change color, about 15 seconds.

    6. Add the tofu and press it against the sides of the wok with your spatula to scorch it a little, 10 to 20 seconds.

    7. Pour in the egg mixture and let it cook just until it starts to set around the tofu, less than a minute. Use your spatula to cut the omelet into large pieces, then transfer everything to a plate and set aside.

    8. Return the wok to high heat. Add the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons oil and swirl to coat. Toss the drained noodles into the wok and stir-fry vigorously, pressing them against the hot wok briefly to sear them, then turn them and press them against the side of the wok again.

    9. Move the noodles up the sides of the wok and toss in 2 to 2 1/2 cups of the bean sprouts and the scallions. Stir-fry vigorously for about 20 seconds, pressing them against the hot wok and turning them so they wilt.

    10. Add the dried shrimp and salted radish, if using, and toss briefly with your spatula, then add the soy sauce mixture. Stir-fry for about another 30 seconds, gradually incorporating noodles into the bean sprout mixture.

    11. Add the reserved egg-meat mixture and toss gently to mix everything together.

    12. Turn the noodles out onto a platter or onto individual plates. Sprinkle some of the chopped peanuts onto the noodles. Do the same with the cilantro. Place the remaining bean sprouts in a bowl and set them on the table. Pass the Chile-Vinegar Sauce and the lime wedges.

    (Source: leitesculinaria)

    Black Bean Quesadillas


    1/2 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed, mashed with fork
    2 whole-wheat tortillas (8-inch)
    1/2 cup thawed frozen spinach, squeezed dry
    1/2 cup shredded, reduced-fat pepper-jack cheese (2 ounces)
    Coarse salt and ground pepper
    1/2 cup fresh salsa, for serving

    1. Spread beans over half of each tortilla. Top with spinach and cheese; season generously with salt and pepper. Fold tortillas in half over fillings.

    When it's time to eat, place quesadillas on a microwave-safe plate; cook on high power until heated through, about 2 minutes. Top with salsa.

    채식주의자도 즐길 수 있는 케사디아 레시피..

    (Source: wholeliving)

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