한다발 묶음의 케일을 사 놓고 파스타도 해 보고, 피자에도 얹어 먹고, 샌드위치에도 쑤셔 먹고, 이틀은 사과와 섞어 주스도 갈아 먹었으나, 질긴 케일의 마지막 운명은 Crispy Kale:

케일을 깨끗하게 씻어 물기를 완전히 제거한 후 (난 대강 체에 올려 말림) 오븐을 500F 로 예열.
예열되는 동안 올리브오일, 소금, 후추로 버무려 준비해 둔다. (난 양파가루와 매콤한 맛을 위해 pepper flakes 추가)
500F 에서 5분만 익히면 바삭바삭한 케일이 마무리.

케일은 비타민이 많은 
수퍼푸드다. 많이 먹도록.

Moonwalking With Einstien 이후 The Memory Bible (by Gary Small, M.D.) 를 빌려 읽기 시작했다. 기억력 강화, 장기적으로는 치매 예방과 관련한 여러가지 스킬, 식단 등을 알려 주는데, 이중 기억하고 싶었던 몇가지 비타민/미네랄 상식:

Omega 3 – “good fats”: fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts, fish, fish oil, olive oil


-       Anchovies

-       Avocados

-       Bluefish

-       Brazil nuts

-       Canola oil

-       Flax seed oil

-       Green leafy vegetables

-       Herring

-       Lean meats

-       Mackerel

-       Olive oil

-       Salmon

-       Sardines

-       Trout

-       Tuna

-       Walnuts

-       Whitefish


Omega 6– “bad fats”: red meat, whole milk, cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, most processed foods, fried foods, vegetable oil

-       Bacon

-       Butter

-       Cheese

-       Corn oil

-       Donuts

-       French fries

-       Ice cream

-       Lamb chops

-       Margarine

-       Mayonnaise

-       Onion rings

-       Potato chips

-       Processed foods

-       Steak

-       Sunflower oil

-       Whipped cream

-       Whole milk


Vitamin C (500-1000mg daily), E (400-800 units) for antioxidants


-       Prunes

-       Raisins

-       Blueberries

-       Blackberries

-       Cranberries

-       Strawberries

-       Spinach

-       Raspberries

-       Brussels sprouts

-       Plums

-       Broccoli florets

-       Beets

-       Avocados

Turmeric (curry)

Vitamin A: milk, eggs, leafy vegetables

Vitamin D: milk, eggs, tuna, salmon

Vitamin E: berries, vegetable oil, lettuce,

Vitamin K: leafy vegetables, fish oils, meat

Thiamin: cereals, fish, lean meat, milk, chicken

Riboflavin: cereals, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, lean meat

Vitamin B3 complex (Niacin): cereals, lean meant, eggs

Pyridoxin (B6): cereals, meat, bananas, vegetables

Vitamin B12: fish, lean meat, milk

Folate: meat, leafy green vegetables

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, berries, vegetables

Calcium: milk, cheese, green vegetables

Chromium: whole grains, vegetable oils

Iron: whole grain cereals, nuts, green vegetables

Magnesium: whole grains, seafood, eggs, meat

Zinc: whole grains, sunflower seeds

우선은 매일 섭취했던 비타민과 근육통약: 오메가쓰리, 근육통완화제, 홍삼정, 눈에 좋은 약, 머리에 좋은 약, 신장에 좋은 약, 등. 너무 많이 먹나...

그리고 Jamie Oliver 요리책을 산 이후로 새로운 걸 하나씩 시도해 보려 한다. 그 중 가장 만만한 broccoli (참기름, 간장, 고추가루, 발사믹 식초, 라임 등으로 드레싱) 와

스테이크 그릴.

Classic tomato sauce pasta (캔토마토, 바질, 마늘, 후추, 소금) 에 이탈리안 소세지를 추가해서 meat lover (나)를 위한 파스타,

그리고 최근엔 비빔국수 (김치, 참기름, 설탕, 초고추장) 를 해 먹음. 초고추장은 그냥 그 때 그 때 고추장, 식초, 설탕 (1:1:1?) 비율로 섞어 먹는다.

'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

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장 안 본지 2주...  (0) 2011.03.06
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주먹밥과 찰깨빵  (0) 2011.01.19
Adobo Chicken (Filipino Dish)  (0) 2010.12.02
- 토마토, 고구마, 시금치는 고혈압에 좋다: The potassium in tomato products, dried beans, sweet potatoes, spinach, Swiss chard and winter squash can ease high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and bone loss.
- 비타민 E, 비타민 C: Vitamin E, an antioxidant, protects against the deterioration of essential fatty acids and premature cell aging, and vitamin C is important for healthy gums and teeth, healing of wounds and absorption of iron.
- 비타민 A: The vitamin A formed from beta-carotene is vital to the health of the eyes and skin and may help prevent infections.
- 시금치, 케일은 눈에 좋다: Two other carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, can reduce causes of vision loss as people age. These nutrients are found in dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale, which are packed with other valuable vitamins and minerals.
- 토마토: Lycopene, another carotenoid, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and is best obtained from processed tomato products.
- 브로콜리, 양배추, 케일은 암을 예방한다: The so-called cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard greens and brussels sprouts have also been linked to protection against cancer.


Even Benefits Don’t Tempt Us to Vegetables

“Eat your vegetables.”

For many of us, that was a litany of childhood, an 11th commandment — often followed by “or no dessert.” I even know a mother who tried reverse psychology on her son — “You can’t have your vegetables until you’ve finished your meat” (or chicken or fish) — though I can’t testify to its success.

As evidence of the health benefits of vegetables has accumulated, public health scientists, nutritionists, federal health experts, growers and marketers, teachers and physicians have been urging — and urging and urging — that Americans eat more of them.

Producers have gone to great lengths to encourage vegetable consumption by a public increasingly pressed for time and overly focused on fast food and takeout. Farmers’ markets are springing up all over the country, with enticing displays of locally grown produce. Supermarkets feature ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook vegetables — spinach, salad greens, complete salads, broccoli florets, peeled baby carrots. Simple, tasty recipes are often part of the produce display. Even the major fast-food purveyors have made an effort, introducing salads as side and main dishes; McDonald’s now sells more salads than any other eating establishment.

Yet last month came the discouraging word from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that Americans have fallen far short of the goals set a decade ago to increase consumption of vegetables. In 2009, just 26 percent of adults had three or more servings a day (including those who count a tomato slice and a lettuce leaf on a burger as a vegetable serving). That was half the percentage public health officials had hoped for.

And it falls even shorter if you look at the current recommendations: at least four to five vegetable servings daily. Please note the definition of a serving: half a cup of cut-up or cooked vegetables, one cup of fresh greens, half a cup of cooked dried beans, or, if you must, six ounces of vegetable juice.

So what’s so good about vegetables anyway? First, vegetables are loaded with vital nutrients: potassium, beta-carotene (the precursor of vitamin A), magnesium, calcium, iron, folate (a B vitamin) and vitamins C, E and K, as well as antioxidants and fiber. Despite an ill-conceived effort years ago to “package” vegetables’ nutrients in a supplement, there is no good way to consume them short of eating the foods that contain them.

And unless they are drowned in butter or a high-calorie sauce or dressing, vegetables provide those nutrients at minimal caloric cost, an important attribute in a society where obesity is ballooning out of control.

Curbing weight gain can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, now rampant in America and an important cause of heart disease, kidney failure and premature death.

Fiber, Potassium and More

Vegetables provide dietary bulk, filling the stomach and reducing the appetite for higher-calorie foods. The fiber in vegetables helps reduce blood levels of heart-damaging cholesterol and is a major antidote for constipation and diverticulosis.

The potassium in tomato products, dried beans, sweet potatoes, spinach, Swiss chard and winter squash can ease high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and bone loss.

Folate is a critical nutrient during pregnancy to prevent spinal cord defects; it also helps the body form red blood cells. Vitamin E, an antioxidant, protects against the deterioration of essential fatty acids and premature cell aging, and vitamin C is important for healthy gums and teeth, healing of wounds and absorption of iron. Vitamin K aids in blood clotting (note, however, that people taking blood thinners must curb their intake of foods rich in this nutrient).

The vitamin A formed from beta-carotene is vital to the health of the eyes and skin and may help prevent infections. A Harvard study of 73,000 nurses, published in 2003 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, linked a carotenoid-rich diet to a reduced risk of coronary artery disease, and a Swedish study found that it cut the risk of stomach cancer in half.

Two other carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, can reduce the risks of macular degeneration and cataracts, common causes of vision loss as people age. These nutrients are found in dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale, which are packed with other valuable vitamins and minerals.

Lycopene, another carotenoid, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and was also linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in women. Lycopene is best obtained from processed tomato products. (Tomatoes, of course, are technically fruits, as are squash and other “vegetables” with seeds. The foods we usually think of as fruit have plenty of nutritional value but tend to have more calories than vegetables — and may not supply all the same nutrients.)

Several other vegetables, not all of them popular among Americans, have also been linked to protection against cancer. These are the so-called cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard greens and brussels sprouts.

Then there are the allium vegetables, onions and garlic, that researchers in Milan have linked to protection against cancers of the colon and rectum, ovary, prostate, breast, kidney, esophagus, mouth and throat.

Last year The Nutrition Action Healthletter, published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group based in Washington, ranked vegetables according to nutrient content. Kale led the list, followed by spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, Swiss chard, canned pumpkin, mustard greens, sweet potato, broccoli and carrots.

Others among the “superstars” listed were romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, curly endive, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, green pepper, peas and bok choy.

Except for sweet potato (100 calories in one medium potato) and peas (70 calories per half cup), none of these (when unadorned by fat) have more than 40 calories a serving, and most have only 20 or 30 calories.

(Source: NYT)

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