밀가루 없이 가능한 쿠키 레시피:


flourless peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chips cookies 3


1C peanut butter

1C brown sugar

1t baking soda

1C whole oats

1/2C chocolate chips

1 egg

1. Preheat oven to 350F.

2. In a large bowl gently stir together all ingredients.

3. Add golf balsize mounds to a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Flatten to one-inch circles using your hand.

4. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges turn golden brown. Pull the parchment papeoff the cookie sheet and onto a flat surface. Allow to cool.

(Source: domesticfits)

Chocolate comes from cocoa,

Which is a tree.

That makes it a plant.

Chocolate is salad.

(Source: frenchbydesign)

'anything colorful' 카테고리의 다른 글

I'd like,  (0) 2013.11.17
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책상 위에도 스시.  (0) 2013.05.05
1. chocolate covered bacons (초코렛 베이컨이라... 요즘 베이컨이 sweets 세계에서 뜨나보다. 내년 발렌타인 데이 때 한번 고려해 볼까 보다... 초코렛, 베이컨을 둘다 먹지 않는 K가 기겁할만 하다. 으흐흐흐흐.)

2. a good old picture from the good old days:

3. to know how to ride a bicycle WELL: 바람에 머리를 휘날리며 (넘어지지 않고) 씽씽 달리고 싶다.

I Want to Ride My Bicycle: 12 Awesome Bikes We Like

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(KAIST 배상민교수님 팀의 작품이라고 함.)

(Photos: thegirlwhoateeverything, tumblr, designmilk, fastcodesign)

'anything colorful' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Dark chocolate delivers a powerful dose of flavonoids -- the antioxidants found in red wine. And cocoa powder has the highest concentration of flavonoids of any form of dark chocolate, making it a powerful heart health-booster: A 2009 study found that people who drank two cups of skim milk with cocoa powder every day for a month enjoyed significant decreases in markers of inflammation. Make yourself a cup by mixing cocoa powder, an unrefined sweetener (such as honey or maple syrup), and warm low-fat milk or nut milk to taste.

(Source: wholeliving)

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그러다가 비상사태를 대비해 pantry 뒷부분에 넣어뒀던 초코렛케잌이 생각남.

그리고는 최근에 2번째로 만든 크랜베리소스를 generous 하게 얹어 먹음.

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

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