Jamie Oliver 의 런던 레스토랑 Union Jacks 에 가 보고 싶다:

Union Jacks
4 Central St. Giles Piazza
0203 597 7888

그리고 시드니에 간다면, Pure and General 라는 가구/홈/인테리어 가게에 가 보고 싶다:

Pure and General

114 Brougham Street
Potts Point NSW
phone +61 2 9360 6060

(Photos: desiretoinspire, desiretoinspire)

뉴욕에 있는 동안 두번의 1박2일에 걸쳐 필라델피아와 보스턴엘 놀러갔었다.

필라델피아에선 (뉴욕에서 버스로 4시간, 편도 $15) 전 직장동료와 대학친구를 방문하며 South Street에서 13년만에 다시 먹어 보는 Philly cheesesteak 를:

보스턴에선 고등학교 친구 둘과 초등학교 5학년 때부터의 친구를 방문, 초딩친구의 컵케잌 obsession을 따라 Appleton Cafe 를 찾았다:

정말 몇년만에 재회하는 친구들이 많았던 나름 알찬 뉴욕여행이었음.
이번에 특별히 느낀 점은 보스턴, 필라델피아만한 도시들은 뉴욕만큼 번잡하지 않은 대신 사람들도 훨씬 여유롭고 친절하다는 것. 대학생활하며 느끼지 못했던 보스턴에 대한 감동을 새삼스레 느껴 언젠가 보스턴으로 돌아가 생활하고 싶단 생각이 들었다.

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

뉴스보다 피식: 시애틀 날씨란...  (4) 2012.03.21
오랜만에 집에 돌아와  (4) 2012.03.20
Soho. Day out.  (4) 2012.03.09
Moma in Feb 2012  (8) 2012.03.07
Lunch in NY  (6) 2012.03.07

하루종일 아무런 일이 없었던 하루, 소호엘 갔었다.
전에 가보지 못한 레스토랑 찾기는 뉴욕에서 쉽기만 하다.
이 날은 스페니시 델리 겸 까페인 Despana 엘 가봤다. 잘 모르겠는 이름들의 샌드위치 명단 중 메뉴를 대표할 것 같은 Despana 샌드위치만 주문하려 했다가 아쉬워 사이드디시 하나 추가. 좀 비릿해 보이긴 했지만, 싱거운 토마토 맛에 잘 어우러지는 맛:

408 Broome St., New York, NY

바에서 a bowl of peanuts 를 내 놓듯, 여기서는 a bowl of chips 를 내 놓았길래 난 칩스를 샌드위치에 쑤셔 넣어 먹음. (참고로 바에서 내놓는 땅콩은 안 먹는 게 위생적이라고...)
그리고 입구에는 종류별 고기류와 올리브오일, 피클, 치즈 등이 진열되어 있음.

그리고는 소호의 북까페를 찾았다.

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
126 Crosby St., New York, NY

기부된 책으로만 이루어진 책방은 사람들로 북적이고 까페, 책방의 모든 수익은 에이즈 화자를 돕는데 다시 기부된다고 한다. 저녁에는 특별한 행사들 때문에 일찍 닫기도 한다고 하는데 이 날은 유명한 셰프, food writers 그룹 시식행사가 있던 날. (티켓은 미리 구매한다고 한다.)

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

오랜만에 집에 돌아와  (4) 2012.03.20
Philly and Boston  (6) 2012.03.18
Moma in Feb 2012  (8) 2012.03.07
Lunch in NY  (6) 2012.03.07
Cafes in NY  (4) 2012.03.07

뉴욕 오자마자 먼저 들렀던 Museum of Modern Art. (MoMA)

최근 들어선 유화 작품이 아니라면 사진작품들이 보기 좋다.

비가 주룩주룩 내리는 날 많은 관광객 가운데 섞여 사람 구경도 많이 했다.

예전부터 맘에 들었던 Willem de Kooning 의 작품을 볼 수 있어 뜻밖의 excitement 도.

건축프로젝트 모형들의 주민을 배려한 옥상/베란다 수영장이 나의 favorite piece.

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

Philly and Boston  (6) 2012.03.18
Soho. Day out.  (4) 2012.03.09
Lunch in NY  (6) 2012.03.07
Cafes in NY  (4) 2012.03.07
해방.  (0) 2012.03.06

혼자라도 오늘처럼 쿠키로 점심을 때우는 일은 흔치 않다. 하루 대부분 느끼는 외로움을 음식으로라도 충족시키듯...
(오늘은 배도 좀 나오고, 어제 산 바지도 집에 와서 입어보니 좀 안 맞고, 영수증 정리를 한 후 격심한 양심의 가책을 느끼기 시작한 unfortunate 한 날.)

The Petrossian New York Boutique
911 Seventh Ave., New York, NY

Petrossian signature cobb salad 는 훈제연어, 아보카도, goat cheese, 삶은 계란 등으로 이루어짐. 아주아주 맛있게 싹싹 긁어 먹었다. (먹다보니 몇 안 되는 테이블에 거의 모든 손님이 기본으로 이 샐러드를 시켜 먹는 듯 했다.)
혼자 먹다 보면 눈은 내 앞의 음식에나 주변의 사람들을 두루두루 훑어 봐도 귀는 바로 옆 테이블에 기울이고 있게 마련... (일부러 그런 건 아니지만, 밥을 먹는 동시에 책을 읽고 있지 않는 한, 옆 테이블의 대화를 안 듣는 건 노력해도 무리다.) 옆 테이블 여자 둘다 같은 샐러드를 시키면서 전형적인 뉴요커처럼 뭐는 빼 주고 뭐는 따로 옆에 주고.. 지시사항이 많아서도 흥미로웠지만, 계속 듣다보니 그 중 1명은 요즘 트렌디한 비싼 요가복 디자이너 중 1명인지 Stella McCartney, Lululemon 등의 name dropping 이 재미있었다. 자신도 디자이너이지만 요즘 요가복의 말도 안될만한 가격에 반은 경악, 반은 자랑스레 얘기했다.

La Boulangerie
109-01 72nd Rd., Queens, NY

첫 주말엔 원래 계획이었던 뉴욕 업스테이트에를 올라가는 대신, 언니 아파트 근처에서 고요한 하루를 보냈다. 언니가 부탁한 바게뜨도 사 올 겸, 새로운 브런치 집도 시식할 겸, cuban sandwich 를 주문했다. 사람들도 친절하고, 샌드위치 맛도 괜찮았지만, 바게뜨는 추운 날 하루종일 가방에 끼고 돌아다녀서인지 다음날 아침엔 이미 딱딱하게 굳어 그리 즐기지는 못함.

Dos Toros Taqueria
137 4th Avenue, New York, NY

주중 작업할 일이 없었던 하루는 머리를 자르기 전 들뜬 마음으로 Union Square 의 타코, 버리또 집을 찾았다. 이날따라 기분이 그랬는지, 맛이 없지도 않았지만, 특별히 맛이 있지도 않았던 버리또였다. 하지만 내가 앉아 있었던 1시15분부터 2시15분까지 사람들이 끊기지 않게 들락날락하는 유명한 타코집이었다.

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

Soho. Day out.  (4) 2012.03.09
Moma in Feb 2012  (8) 2012.03.07
Cafes in NY  (4) 2012.03.07
해방.  (0) 2012.03.06
멕시칸: El Zocalo Tortas and Bakery  (8) 2012.02.20

뉴욕에 온지 거의 2주. 지난 2번의 뉴욕 방문과 달리 처음으로 (남편, 부모님 없이) 혼자 오는 여행이라 몇명의 친구들에게 이번엔 꼭 볼 수 있을거라 얘기해 놨었지만, 여유있었던 첫 3일 이후로는 주5일 중 나흘을 도서관에서 언니의 맥북을 끼고 작업. 그러니 점심도 거의 항상 혼자, 화장실에 갈 때도 짐을 바리바리 다 싸 다녀야 한다. -_-..

하지만 그래도 New York, NY 이라 틈틈히 까페 구경, 맨하탄 바깥 쪽에 사는 언니 덕(..)에 지하철 통근시간동안 책 읽을 기회도 많고.

뉴욕 도착 다음 날 아침은 혼자여도 따뜻한 햇살에, 도시의 어느 구석엘 가도 사람이 북적북적하는 인파 속에 그저 즐겁기만 하다. 그래서 원래 라떼는 시켜 먹지 않는데, 흥분해서 그만...
(창가로 들어 오는 햇살 때문에 더워서 자리를 옮겨야 하는 상황은 타코마에서는 절대 상상도 못했었지.)

Aroma Espresso Bar (체인점)
100 Church St., New York, NY

그리고 아주 오랜만에 나의 생산력은 조금이나마 put to use. 까페에라도 들르면 당시 배가 부르더라도 나 자신에게 후하게 대접: red velvet cupcake.

(창에 "Hot Bagels" 라는 싸인만 있었던 것 같은 까페.)
On A Avenue, between 10th and 11th Streets, New York, NY

테이블/의자가 그렇게 깨끗하지 않아 찝찝했지만 도시락 맛과 저렴한 가격은 아주 흡족스러웠던 런치벤또.

Cafe Zaiya
18 E. 41st St., New York, NY

'my days' 카테고리의 다른 글

Moma in Feb 2012  (8) 2012.03.07
Lunch in NY  (6) 2012.03.07
해방.  (0) 2012.03.06
멕시칸: El Zocalo Tortas and Bakery  (8) 2012.02.20
On Valentine's Day  (14) 2012.02.13

Novice monks learning workings of camera.

연말까지 돈을 모아 마음에 드는 (작동하기 쉬운) DSLR 카메라를 구입하려고 한다. 그동안 작동법부터 익히려면 이 웹사이트 부터 공부.

(Photo: lonelyplanet)

A tribute to 보스턴에 사는 친구:

Boston Harbor and city skyline.

1. Island hopping, New England style

Boston Harbour now provides a spectacular scenic backdrop to the city, and its 34 islands provide an exciting urban-adventure destination for day-trippers and city-scapers. If you are sailing your own boat, your options are unlimited. The islands are your oyster. Otherwise, it’s easy to get out to Georges Island or Spectacle Island by taking the Harbor Express ferry from Long Wharf. Either of these can serve as a launching pad to visiting the other islands – and they are also destinations in their own right.

2. Tossing a disc, riding a bike or catching some rays

We can thank Frederick Law Olmsted for transforming the marshy, mucky Charles River Basin into Boston’s favourite urban greenscape. It is an enticing and easy escape from the city, a delightful oasis that is always abuzz with hikers and bikers, runners and sunners, picnickers and play-scapers. Free concerts and movies at the Hatch Memorial Shell are highlights of summer in the city. This is where Boston’s Independence Day celebration goes down.

3. Being awestruck by an amazing array of architecture

Step onto Copley Square and into the ‘Athens of America’. Boston’s most magnificent architecture is clustered around this Back Bay plaza, symbolic of the culture and learning that gave Boston its nickname in the 19th century.

4. Following in the footsteps of revolutionary heroes

Summon your inner Paul Revere and follow the red-brick road, from the Boston Common to the Bunker Hill Monument, past 16 sites where the most dramatic scenes from history played out. This walking trail is the best introduction to revolutionary Boston, tracing the locations of the events that earned this town its status as the cradle of liberty.

5. Browsing the bookstores and sampling the sidewalk scene

Harvard Square is a vibrant, exciting place to hang out: it’s a hotbed of colonial and revolutionary history. Lined with mansions that were once home to royal sympathizers, it earned the nickname Tory Row. But its proximity to the university also means that it is a well-known address for the country’s intellectual elite. There are no official stats, but Harvard Square must have one of the country’s richest selections of bookstores. Once you have your reading material, take a seat at one of Harvard Square’s many sidewalk cafés. From here you have a front-row view of the congregations of students, the performances of buskers, the bustle of the shoppers, the pleas of the homeless and the challenges between chess players.

6. Contemplating the contemporary, the controversial and the downright confusing

Boston may appear radical in its politics, but in affairs of the art, the city has long shown more conservative tastes. The 2006 unveiling of a gleaming new Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) on the waterfront shattered this trend, establishing the city as a hub for the art of the present and the future. Contemporary art attempts to be about real social issues and uses real materials from everyday life as a means of expression; in this way, the design of the building already fulfills the mission of the ICA, ‘to become both a dynamic space for public activity and a contemplative space for experiencing the art of our time’.

7. Cheering for the olde towne team at MLB’S oldest ballpark

The oldest of the old-style baseball parks has been home to the Boston Red Sox since 1912 – that’s almost a century of baseball. Only at Fenway do long fly balls get lost in the Triangle, the furthest corner of centre field. Only Fenway has the Green Monster, the towering left-field wall that constantly alters the play of the game. And only at Fenway do fans sing along with Neil Diamond as he croons ‘Sweet Caroline’ at the bottom of the eighth inning.

8. Feasting on creatures of the sea and cuisines of the world

Boston is the home of the first Thanksgiving and of bountiful autumnal harvests. It is America’s seafood capital, famed for clam chowder and boiled lobster. And it is a rich mix of ethnic flavors from all corners of the world. Is your mouth watering yet.

9. Cheering on the runners as they cross the finish

Patriots’ Day – officially celebrated on the third Monday in April – means more than Paul Revere’s ride and ‘the shot heard around the world’. Since 1897, Patriots’ Day has also meant the Boston Marathon. Fifteen people ran that first race (only 10 finished); these days, the Boston Marathon attracts over 20,000 participants annually.

10. Reflecting or recreating at Thoreau’s sanctuary

Thoreau took the naturalist beliefs of transcendentalism out of the realm of theory and into practice when he left the comforts of Concord and built himself a rustic cabin on the shores of the pond. His famous memoir of his time spent there, Walden, or Life in the Woods (1854), was full of praise for nature and disapproval of the stresses of civilized life – sentiments that have found an eager audience ever since. The glacial pond is now a state park, surrounded by acres of forest.

3월에 다시 뉴욕을 방문하게 된다면 이틀 정도 보스턴을 방문하려 한다.

(Source: lonelyplanet)
1. Westport, WA

Razor clamming in Westport, WA.

Why go in fall: It's peak season for Dungeness crab, and a great time to try razor-clamming.
Population: 2,355
Pounds of seafood harvested here yearly: More than 150 million
Main drag: Westhaven Drive, which overlooks Grays Harbor, Washington’s largest fishing port.
Dress code: Skip the clamdiggers (brrr!); instead, pack your hat, gloves, and parka. Waders for clamming are a must.
Best way to get your heart rate up: Scale the Westport Viewing Tower for a crow’s-nest perspective of the harbor.
Where to hang 10: Rent a board (and wetsuit―you’ll need it) for cold-weather surfing at Steepwater Surf Shop (rental gear $39; 360/268-5527), then hit the jetty at Half Moon Bay (at Westhaven State Park; 800/345-6223).
For home cooks: Buy fresh crab right off the piers for tonight’s dinner.
Cozy overnight option: The remodeled Glenacres Inn (from $50; glenacresinn.com) has eight B&B-style rooms

2. Spokane, WA (Daven Port District)

finders keepers vintage clothing boutique

Why go: The Davenport District's galleries and restored art deco gems have made it a wonderful indoor town.
Sculpture that says Spokane: Bronze-cast runners whip around the corner of Post Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard in The Joy of Running Together, a tribute to the Lilac Bloomsday Run, one of the country's largest footraces.
Functional art: Benches made from scrap metal and recycled steam-plant hardware work well as resting spots or conversation starters.
Dress code: Little black dress for the symphony; fleece and boots everywhere else.
Winter ways: Snow is common in February, so duck into the covered walkways that link downtown buildings.
Join the locals: First Fridays means an after-hours party and selfguided tour of galleries and boutiques (next dates Feb 6 and Mar 6; downtownspokane.net or 509/456-0580).
First Fridays' best stop: Barrister Winery (free tastings Fri, Sat, or by appointment; 1213 W. Railroad Ave.; 509/465-3591), where you can sip wine crafted by two Spokane attorneys.
Our favorite detail: The peacock stained glass on the cocktaillounge ceiling. From $169; 10 S. Post St.; thedavenporthotel. com or 800/899-1482.
Take it home: At Finders Keepers, you'll stumble across beautifully preserved vintage clothing (like a '40s-style slinky white gown worthy of Rita Hayworth) and art deco and Victorian jewelry. 112 S. Cedar St.; 509/838-4590.

3. Coeur d'Alene, ID
(사실 며칠 전까진 아이다호 주가 워싱턴 바로 옆에 있는 줄도 몰랐음.. -_-;;)

At the Leather Works (31 miles from Spokane, and no, it's not that kind of store), a husbandand- wife team stitches buttery soft leather wallets, bags, and jackets on-site. The smell will make you want to stay forever. Closed Sun; 215 E. Sherman Ave.; 208/676-0818.

(Sources: sunset, sunset)

날씨가 따뜻해지는 어느 날 Vancouver에 다시 한번 올라가 볼 생각이다.


10 Eats Under $10 You Must Try in Vancouver

Sure, Vancouver is known for its polite Canucks and beautiful scenery. But the biggest reason to visit the city is its culturally diverse and delicious food. Here are 10 dishes under $10 that you must try in Vancouver.

Porchetta Sandwich at Meat and Bread.
This sandwich shop has the fast-paced vibe and buzzing energy of what you'd typically find at a New York bistro. They keep the menu simple offering a few sandwiches and sides. The star of the menu is the Porchetta sandwich. Think juicy, savoury, roasted pork, topped with a secret pesto sauce and wrapped in a fresh ciabatta bun.


Aburi Salmon Oshi Sushi at Miku
Vancouver is known for it's fresh seafood and delicious sushi. At Miku, you'll find the king of sushi that trumps all. This roll consists of local salmon, rice, and a secret "Miku" sauce, flame-grilled to perfection.

Photography by Maurice Li

Gelato at Bella Gelateria
Here you can find old-world handcrafted gelato that's even better than what you'd taste in Italy. All the flavours are made from scratch. Depending on what's in season, you can find creative flavours like White Truffle, Pumpkin Pie and Thai Coconut. Classic must-try's include: Espresso, Mediterranean Yogurt and Salted Caramel.

Belgian Waffles at Medina Cafe
This local gem only serves breakfast, brunch and lunch. The typical hour-long lineup is well worth the wait. If you want savoury and filling, go for the Fricasse -- braised short ribs with fried eggs, caramelized onions and applewood smoked cheddar. Finish off with their fresh belgian waffles with raspberry compote topping and a white chocolate pistachio mocha.

Photography by Maurice Li

Lychee Slush Bubble Tea at Dragon Ball
This tiny shop located at King Edward and Oak are Vancouver's masters of bubble tea. Choose from fruit flavours such as mango, lychee, strawberry or watermelon. Or go for the classic milk tea with pearls. If you aren't a fan of the mushy tapioca balls, go without or substitute with coconut jelly.

Breakfast Sandwich at Savary Island
Everyone comes here for their organic, home-made pies. However, they have added something new to the menu and it is definitely a reason to wake up in the morning. The breakfast sandwich consists of free-range eggs, aged white cheddar, fresh tomato, sun-dried tomato and basil pesto and avocado/grilled ham.

Deep Fried Chicken Wings at Phnom Penh
Let's just say you don't go to this busy restaurant in the heart of Chinatown for the ambience. But there's good reason why Phnom Penh is busy every hour of the day. They offer authentic Cambodian and Vietnamese dishes. They are famous for their deep fried chicken wings that come with a peppery-lemon dipping sauce.

Photography by ChowTimes

Oysters at Rodney's Oyster Bar
Calling all oyster aficionados: if you're looking for great seafood, fresh shucked oysters and a fun and energetic vibe, Rodney's is your place. Their clam chowder is a must try as well.

Onion Rings at Stackhouse
Freshly made daily in house, these battered and breaded onion rings will rock your tastebuds. Try them with the truffle aioli. Stackhouse is known for their gourmet burgers ranging from a 6.5 ounce Kobe beef burger to the Venison burger with stilton cheese.

Shio Ramen at Hokkaido Ramen Santouka
This is Vancouver's best-kept secret. You'd probably never find this in a guide book, but any local who knows good food will recommend Santouka. The Shio Ramen is particularly delicious. You can also order the Toroniku Shio Ramen -- the more "deluxe" version. This dish includes a higher quality cut of pork and it is served on a separate plate. Also, the gyozas make for an excellent starter.

(Source: huffingtonpost)

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