생강과 비슷한 식물이란다.

cardamom: the aromatic seed capsules of a tropical Asian plant, Elettaria cardamomum, of the ginger family, used as a spice or condiment and in medicine.

그나저나 이 아이스크림의 레시피는 아래:

Cardamom Ice Cream
2 cups meat of young Thai coconut
1 cup coconut water
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 cup cashews
9 dates
8-10 cardamom pods - crushed, green shell discarded
2 vanilla beans - both seeds and pods

In a high speed blender, combine all the ingredients until smooth. Chill well and put into an ice cream maker for 25 minutes or however long your brand of ice cream machine suggests.

아이스크림 기계부터 하나 구해야겠다.
(사진은 라임파이도 포함한 것임.)

(Source: g0lubka)

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