Moonwalking With Einstien 이후 The Memory Bible (by Gary Small, M.D.) 를 빌려 읽기 시작했다. 기억력 강화, 장기적으로는 치매 예방과 관련한 여러가지 스킬, 식단 등을 알려 주는데, 이중 기억하고 싶었던 몇가지 비타민/미네랄 상식:

Omega 3 – “good fats”: fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts, fish, fish oil, olive oil


-       Anchovies

-       Avocados

-       Bluefish

-       Brazil nuts

-       Canola oil

-       Flax seed oil

-       Green leafy vegetables

-       Herring

-       Lean meats

-       Mackerel

-       Olive oil

-       Salmon

-       Sardines

-       Trout

-       Tuna

-       Walnuts

-       Whitefish


Omega 6– “bad fats”: red meat, whole milk, cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, most processed foods, fried foods, vegetable oil

-       Bacon

-       Butter

-       Cheese

-       Corn oil

-       Donuts

-       French fries

-       Ice cream

-       Lamb chops

-       Margarine

-       Mayonnaise

-       Onion rings

-       Potato chips

-       Processed foods

-       Steak

-       Sunflower oil

-       Whipped cream

-       Whole milk


Vitamin C (500-1000mg daily), E (400-800 units) for antioxidants


-       Prunes

-       Raisins

-       Blueberries

-       Blackberries

-       Cranberries

-       Strawberries

-       Spinach

-       Raspberries

-       Brussels sprouts

-       Plums

-       Broccoli florets

-       Beets

-       Avocados

Turmeric (curry)

Vitamin A: milk, eggs, leafy vegetables

Vitamin D: milk, eggs, tuna, salmon

Vitamin E: berries, vegetable oil, lettuce,

Vitamin K: leafy vegetables, fish oils, meat

Thiamin: cereals, fish, lean meat, milk, chicken

Riboflavin: cereals, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, lean meat

Vitamin B3 complex (Niacin): cereals, lean meant, eggs

Pyridoxin (B6): cereals, meat, bananas, vegetables

Vitamin B12: fish, lean meat, milk

Folate: meat, leafy green vegetables

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, berries, vegetables

Calcium: milk, cheese, green vegetables

Chromium: whole grains, vegetable oils

Iron: whole grain cereals, nuts, green vegetables

Magnesium: whole grains, seafood, eggs, meat

Zinc: whole grains, sunflower seeds

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