지난 번 스크랩했던 레시피 를 따랐다:

(아직도 좀 남은 치아바타빵. 를 넣어 든든한 아침 식사로, 체다치즈를 얹어 오븐에 다시 굽는 대신에 파마산 치즈를 얹어 바로 섞어 먹었다.)

Red pepper flakes 를 추가해 뜨끈 매콤한 수프 완성.

'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

누들피자  (0) 2011.11.17
[breakfast] 김치, 베이컨 (찜)밥  (0) 2011.11.16
치아바타빵. 후기.  (2) 2011.11.11
Thai Basil Beef  (2) 2011.10.30
피넛버터쿠키  (6) 2011.10.28

눈도 뜨기 전, 정신이 드는 순간부터 뜨끈한 국물이 생각나 손을 뻗어 머리 위 아이팟을 찾았다. 지난 번에 어디선가 봤던 sweet potato soup을 검색하기 위해.

결국에 같은 레시피는 못 찾고, 웬만한 숲은 야채를 볶다 chicken broth 에 끓이는 패턴인 것 같아, 나도 집에 있는 모든 채소를 섞어 봄: 새로 썰은 당근, 고구마, 양파, 마늘에 지난 번 저녁에 먹고 남은 grilled vegetables (가지, 파, 양파 등) 를 부어 넣어 끓임.

원래 당근은 조리되었을 때의 특유 향 때문에 생으로만 먹는데, 이번에도 그 향이 싫어 계속 끓이다가

Mixed vegetables 스튜가 됨.
거기에 sourdough 한조각 썰어 추가.

Not bad.
(야채 볶을 때 약간의 소금으로 양념을 하긴 하지만 웬만한 간은 치킨 broth 가 알아서 하는 것 같음.)

'on my table' 카테고리의 다른 글

Oatmeal cookie, sort of.  (2) 2011.10.14
Fried rice with black bean sauce  (2) 2011.10.13
심플 파스타.  (4) 2011.10.11
Lamb with mint sauce  (6) 2011.10.08
Stuffed peppers, 스테이크, 레몬파이  (2) 2011.10.07

Onion Soup [Soupe à l’Oignon]
Adapted from Mastering the Art of French Cooking

1 1/2 pounds thinly sliced yellow onions
3T unsalted butter
1T olive oil
1t table salt, plus additional to taste
1/4t granulated sugar (helps the onions to brown)
3T all-purpose flour
8C beef or other brown stock
1/2C dry white wine or dry white vermouth
Freshly ground black pepper
3T cognac or brandy (optional)

To finish [Gratinée] (Optional)
1T grated raw onion
1~2C (to taste) grated Swiss and Parmesan cheese
1T butter, melted
French bread, toasted until hard

1. Melt the butter and oil together in the bottom of a saucepan over moderately low heat.
2. Add the onions, toss to coat them in oil and cover the pot.
3. Reduce the heat to real low and let them slowly steep for 15 minutes.
4. After 15 minutes, uncover the pot, raise the heat slightly and stir in the salt and sugar.
5. Cook onions, stirring frequently, for 30 to 40 minutes until they have turned an even, deep golden brown.
6. After the onions are fully caramelized, sprinkle them with flour and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes.
7. Add the wine in full, then stock, a little at a time, stirring between additions.
8. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
9. Bring to a simmer and simmer partially covered for 30 to 40 more minutes.
10. Correct seasonings if needed but go easy on the salt as the cheese will add a bit more saltiness.
11. Stir in the cognac, if using. I think you should.
12. Preheat oven to 325F.
13. Arrange six ovenproof soup bowls.
14. To each bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon grated raw onion and a tablespoon of grated cheese.
15. Stir to combine.
16. Dab your croutons with a tiny bit of butter and float a few on top of your soup bowls, attempting to cover it.
17. Mound grated cheese on top of it; how much you use will be up to you. [Julia Child, in another era, felt that 1/2 cup of grated cheese could be divided among 6 bowls. I can assure you that if you'd like your gooey bubbling cheese lid to be anything like what you get at your local French restaurant, you are looking to use more, such as a generous 1/4 cup.]
18. Bake soups on tray for 20 minutes, then preheat broiler.
19. Finish for a minute or two under the broiler to brown the top lightly.
20. Grab pot holders, and serve immediately.

smittenkitchen 사진들은 보면 정말 맛있을 것 같은데 레시피가 너무 길어 참 discouraging 하다...

하지만 이건 다음 주에 꼭 한번 시도해 볼테다.
(흐 흐 흐...)

(Source: smittenkitchen)

'recipes' 카테고리의 다른 글

멕시칸 초콜렛 아이스크림  (0) 2011.08.06
상그리아  (2) 2011.05.08
Broth and baked spinach  (0) 2011.04.06
딥.  (0) 2011.02.27
Olive salad, Salsa, The green drink, and Ham and egg crepe  (0) 2011.02.22

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