대화의 질을 높이는 방법에 대한 기사 스크랩.


Here’s an invaluable challenge:

Observe your speech: it’s directness, quantity, and quality.

With added mindfulness, positive self-confrontation, and discipline, we can make our communication more powerful, efficient, and peace bearing.

This week, witness the following:

1.) Directness/ Clarity of Your Speech.

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
- Albert Einstein

Being lovingly direct and to the point in our communication is indispensible. I firmly believe such is a skill that’s cultivated through self-awareness and continual application (it’s definitely one I’m working on!). Through this repetition, the fruits of direct speech become more and more evident, such as the benefit of diminishing and even dispelling ambiguity. And, ambiguity, as we all know, can be a great source of frustration and even pain.


- How clearly do you organize and express your thoughts? When you’re explaining something complex, do people often look lost or need you to repeat yourself? What can you do to prevent this?

- Do you find yourself rushing over your words when sharing an idea? Does, for example, nervousness or even your enthusiasm get the best of you?

- When resolving conflict (a time when directness is key!) do you balance your passion with reason?

- Do you breath consciously when you convey ideas? Doing so can help all of the above!

2.) Quantity of Your Speech

"You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;
And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.
For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly."

- Kahlil Gibran

The above is another favorite quote of mine. When do you use speech to fill a void? When does it become excessive, without necessity or purpose?

I’ll be honest...there have been plenty, PLENTY of times in my life when I turned to chatter because I wasn’t at peace with my mind or the present moment. I used flighty words to bandage DISease. And, while I’m certainly still a relatively talkative, social person (as all my friends and family members will state), I’ve grown to embrace the nurturing, invaluable nature of quiet. Silence can lead to so much discovery.

3.) Quality of Your Speech

This final section can lend itself to a blog unto itself. To be brief – What is the nature of your speech? When is it harmful to others? Negative/ pessimistic? Sardonic and cynical?

Really watch what you say and back it with love as much as possible.

You will feel the positive affects of your efforts.


1. 간단명료하게 얘기하라.
2. 양 조절. (말, 음식 모두 힘들다.)
3. 질 조절.

이 중 가장 와닿는 부분은: 단지 침묵을 깨기 위해서 또는 내 마음의 안정을 찾지 못해서 말을 하는 것은 피하는 것이 좋다는 것. 
그래, 내 경우엔 차라리 침묵이 낫다.

(Source: wholeliving)

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