what i'm reading

The Jane Austen Book Club

heyjuly 2010. 12. 1. 13:42
by Karen Joy Fowler

열흘전에 읽기 시작해서 오늘 오전에 마침. 사실 제인 오스틴의 큰 팬은 아니기에 그리고 (이 책의 독자로서는 챙피하지만) 그녀의 책 중에서도 읽은 건 Pride and Prejudice 밖에 없기에 책의 많은 걸 간과했으리라 생각된다.

어느 화장실이 매우 급한 날 돌아오던 길에 원서 헌책방을 발견하고 급하게 고른 책 2권 중 하나였다.

여섯명의 북클럽 회원 중 가장 인상 깊은 캐릭터는 레즈비언이며 주얼리 아티스트인 Allegra:

Every year she'd be given a sum of money with which to buy presents as well, and she spent it thoughtfully, but it never went far enough. So she added things that she'd made, drawings for her brothers and books of stapled pictures for her parents and Jocelyn. Ashtrays and ornaments. Stones and pine cones painted with glitter. Bookends and calendars. As she grew older these handmade gifts outstripped the store-bought ones. She was not--she was quite insistent on this point--an artist. But she was clever. Her father taught her to use power tools, and she opted for shop in high school rather than the cooking class. By then she was designing furniture and jewelry. The glass-top coffee table on which Jocelyn had just set her purse was something Allegra had made back then, and it was as nice as anything you saw anywhere. Now she sold her things in stores, online, and at craft fairs. Her current project was to collect damaged jewelry at flea markets, dinged beads and bad cameos, and crush them, pressing the resulting bits into fish-scale mosaics. Sylvia was wearing a new bracelet made of mismatched earrings caught together in a delicate chain. It was a great deal prettier than it sounded, and showed that Allegra's heart, as always, was in the right place. The year before this she'd joined a caroling group in San Francisco and spent her Christmas Eve singing second soprano in a round of hospitals and nursing homes.  Sylvia had a picture of her on the mantel, wearing a purple robe and carrying a lit candle. A silver frame of Allegra's own making. A madonna with fire-bright cheeks, eyes like mirrors.

그녀의 당당함 그리고 creative resourcefulness 가 인상 깊다.

그러고 보니 2010년 책 20권은 읽으리라 분명히 다짐했었는데 이제 겨우 14권째 완성. 이번 달은 책을 못 읽을 변명거리조차 없다. 예전 가입했던 네이버 책읽기 까페에 다시 들러볼 때이다. 독서에 박차를 가하자.
29 days to go, 6 books to read.