recent discovery
피부/헤어 안티에이징법 2가지
2011. 12. 29. 00:57
Oatmeal Wash
Soothing and anti-inflammatory, oatmeal contains beta glucan, a soluble fiber that creates a thin, moisture-retaining film on the surface of the skin. Place a handful of whole oats in a clean washcloth and use a rubber band to secure it. Next, immerse it in a sinkful of warm water and squeeze the bag four or five times. Once the water is cloudy, splash it on your face and then air-dry. (If you must towel dry, pat as gently as possible.)
오트밀을 깨끗한 천에 담아 단단히 묶고 따뜻한 물에 담가 4-5번 꽉 주무른다. 물이 조금 뿌옇게 변하면, 그 물로 세수를 하고 자연건조 시킨다.
Egg Hair Treatment
Eggs' high protein content helps improve hair's resilience and luster. Whisk together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons coconut oil (rich in moisturizing fats), and 2 tablespoons sesame oil. Apply the mixture to dry hair and wrap a hot, moist towel around your head. Relax for 5 to 10 minutes. Without wetting hair first, work in a handful of shampoo, and then rinse and condition your hair.
계란 1, 코코넛 오일 2T, 참기름 2T를 섞어 마른 머리카락에 골고루 바른 후 따뜻하게 젖은 수건으로 5-10분동안 머리를 감싼다. 씻어 낼 때에는 머리를 적시기 전에 샴푸부터 함께 머리에 비벼 헹궈낸 후 린스.
(Source: wholeliving)